Ageing existing critical infrastructure may be more vulnerable to unanticipated heat damage, natural disasters and other climatic stresses than we assume.

Governments term critical infrastructures to be essential for the running of a society and the economy, and they warrant protection for national security reasons.

These infrastructures include shelter and thermal regulation, agriculture, utilities such as water, gas, and electricity; public health, transportation, telecommunications, uniformed security and military groups, and financial services.

So, in many installations of critical infrastructures, damage — including that created by heat — can severely cripple or temporarily disable these services.

Examples of climate change impact

The impact of rising temperatures and heatwaves on critical infrastructures is often overlooked. Power lines, railways, and process plants are designed to withstand certain temperature thresholds, but as heatwaves push beyond these limits meant for a cooler age, the structural integrity of these systems can be compromised especially as they age. This can lead to malfunctions, failures, and even complete shutdowns, with far-reaching safety consequences for businesses and communities. Examples:

    • Transportation infrastructure: Roads, rail tracks and bridges can expand and buckle under extreme temperatures, leading to structural deformations and potential failures.
    • Energy infrastructure: Extreme heat poses significant challenges for energy infrastructures, including power grids and thermoelectric power plants. As temperatures rise, power plants may experience reduced capacity and efficiency due to increased cooling requirements. For example, nuclear power plants that rely on river water for cooling may face limitations if the river temperature exceeds safe operating conditions.
Friedhelm Best, Vice President (APAC), HIMA

The impact of rising temperatures and heatwaves on critical infrastructures is often overlooked. Power lines, railways, and process plants are designed to withstand certain temperature thresholds, but as heatwaves push beyond these limits meant for a cooler age, the structural integrity of these systems can be compromised especially as they age. This can lead to malfunctions, failures, and even complete shutdowns, with far-reaching safety consequences for businesses and communities. Examples:

    • Transportation infrastructure: Roads, rail tracks and bridges can expand and buckle under extreme temperatures, leading to structural deformations and potential failures.
    • Energy infrastructure: Extreme heat poses significant challenges for energy infrastructures, including power grids and thermoelectric power plants. As temperatures rise, power plants may experience reduced capacity and efficiency due to increased cooling requirements. For example, nuclear power plants that rely on river water for cooling may face limitations if the river temperature exceeds safe operating conditions.

Even safety mechanisms in place within critical infrastructure could be victims of premature wear and tear, as different materials deform differently due to the temperature increase.

Protective measures and adaptation strategies

To mitigate the risks of heat damage to critical infrastructures, industry-leading safety solutions, protective measures, and adaptation strategies are essential. Businesses, communities, and governments need to collaborate to build resilience and implement protective measures that can withstand the challenges posed by rising temperatures.

Here are some key approaches to consider:

    1. Comprehensive audits of infrastructure and standards
      Traditional design standards based on historical climate data may no longer be sufficient. An audit of current infrastructures is crucial. Work with competent consultants to bring internal expertise up to speed with the current standards and trends. Infrastructure leads and regulators need to update their design codes and standards to account for projected temperature changes and extreme weather events, with proper industry education and enforcement, if necessary.
    2. Incorporating climate resilience by upgrading infrastructure design/standards
      Designing infrastructures with future climate conditions in mind is crucial for ensuring its resilience to heat damage. For example, roads and bridges can be built or upgraded with materials that are more resistant to heat-related deformations. Cooling systems in buildings and data centers can be designed to handle higher temperatures and increased cooling demands, with hardware upgrades that are more compatible with computational and energy efficiency.
    3. Implementing early warning systems, emergency response plans and safety installations Early warning systems and effective emergency response plans are crucial for managing heat-related risks and minimizing the impact on critical infrastructures. Monitoring weather conditions, heat indices, and temperature trends can help identify potential heatwaves and provide timely alerts. This allows infrastructure operators to implement necessary precautions, such as reducing power loads, implementing contingency plans, and activating cooling measures. Additionally, having robust emergency response plans in place can help facilitate swift and effective actions during heatwaves. This includes establishing communication protocols, coordinating with relevant stakeholders, and ensuring the availability of necessary resources and support systems. Periodic crisis simulations may be run to prepare field teams for readiness. Safety installations can prove to be lifesavers when dealing with faulty machinery from heat damage. Such solutions can act as an automated kill switch when something goes off-tangent.

By implementing audits, protective measures, upgrading infrastructure design, and investing in cooling technologies, businesses and communities can enhance resilience and mitigate the risks associated with heat damage.

By prioritizing climate resilience and implementing proactive strategies, we can ensure the long-term sustainability and functionality of critical infrastructures in the face of increasing heat challenges.