Drink a can of Y3000 Zero Sugar and Coca-Cola will help you find out on their AI and AR/VR-powered website …

Recently, fans of Coca-Cola in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia saw the launch of the Ultimate Zero Sugar flavor.

Now, the firm has announced a limited-edition follow-up flavor created with the help of AI. The Y3000 Zero Sugar is named after the year 3000, and the anyone who scans the code on the aluminum can will be able to visit a website where they can use an “AI lens” to imagine what the world could look like in the future. 

Coca-Cola created the virtual experience by tapping into human and AI to understand how fans envision the future through emotions, aspirations, colors, flavors, and more. These perspectives were then used to determine the unique taste of Y3000 and also the virtual experience on the website. Even the packaging design showcases liquid in a morphing, evolving state — communicated through form and color changes that “emphasize a positive future”.

According to the  firm’s Senior Director, Global Strategy, Oana Vlad: “We want to celebrate everyone’s idea of what the future might look like. With the help of AI-powered technology, Coca-Cola Y3000 Zero Sugar imagines how a Coca-Cola from the future could taste and introduces innovative experiences to explore the future.” 

Tee Jae Sonza, the firm’s Trademark Category Head (ASEAN and South Pacific Operating Unit), said: “We continuously explore new ways to resonate to our consumers in new, immersive ways. The launch of Coca-Cola Y3000 Zero Sugar opens up the possibility of a world where humanity and technology can collaborate in harmony to create Real Magic. And we aim to deliver starting from how they experience and enjoy the delicious refreshing new flavor, to offering them a glimpse of what year 3000 could look like through this AI powered experience.”