Your hesitancy could be a result of understandable misconceptions that the following insights could dispel …

The adoption of cloud computing perpetuated by the digital revolution does not just provide new opportunities at the business model level, but also demands a complete shift in the internal operations and business processes to become seamless and more efficient across the entire organization.

However, the approach towards adopting cloud computing has received somewhat mixed responses from the employee fraternity and the resistance against its application is not just limited to acquiring the resources: the underlying reason is related to the organization-wide cultural shift required for a successful digitalization journey.

In order to leverage the benefits of the cloud, it is imperative to look at it through the lens of opportunity and the benefits it provides. An organization-wide change propagated by a dedicated tech team can have positive impacts on the employees. Even traditional conglomerates are starting to give in to this shift and it has had only positive results on an organization’s efficiency and effectiveness.

Another challenge in cloud adoption is the legacy migration cost and the risk, especially for large enterprises that face the additional task of integrating existing databases to the public cloud. Although cloud adoption is gaining momentum and while research has shown an increase by 86% in its adoption, in order to create true transformation, evolution should be continual and not just an ad-hoc project

The road to offering hyper-personalized services
Many companies fail to realize that without cloud technology, they cease to sport a competitive advantage that would boost their relevance, especially on a global level.

Moreover, cloudification significantly improves performance and equips them with more capabilities while also driving business growth and opportunities. Leveraging cloud technologies for data mining and insights has the potential to provide customers with hyper-personalized experiences that match their rising expectations.

Achieving hyper-personalization capabilities to create a seamless experience customers is not a one-size-fits all exercise: the individuality of every firm requires finely crafted solutions based on data, analytics, AI and automation.

By embracing cloud technology in an optimal way, businesses can move forward and commit to modernizing their model over a long term. However, jumping onto the cloud computing bandwagon will not automatically translate into growth and success. It is a continuous process and IT managers need to consistently work on optimizing their IT infrastructure.

Yet, in a world where cloud technology is constantly evolving, it can be difficult for IT and business leaders to stay on top of things and change in tandem. Just focus on developments in the top three technologies, and the rest of the tech news will sort itself out:

  1. Multi- and hybrid cloud (the different types of Cloud Platforms)
  2. Data analytics, AI and ML (the cornerstone of Big Data)
  3. Serverless Cloud technology (the Server-as-a-Service or “the other SaaS”). 

Also, bear in mind that cloud adoption is not just a resource or budget-related battle, but a mindset or a school of thought that looks at its adoption as a world full of possibilities, solutions, and opportunities that will strengthen an organization’s business processes and consequently, scale the business.

At this point in the global COVID-19 pandemic, with more businesses starting to bounce back, it is imperative that more businesses use this opportunity to strategically adopt and refine digital solutions continually.