Find out how even omnichannel and multichannel approaches can be galvanized to offer even more frictionless, delightful customer experiences.

Where digital once used to be a buzzword that organizations endeavored to implement, it is now fundamental to the bottom line of every organization.

Before the pandemic, defining a digital experience strategy could have simply been a matter of deciding between mobile or web.

However, software users today have set their sights beyond that choice and are expecting frictionless and seamless experiences from any channel, device, or touchpoint.

Beyond ‘multichannel’ or even ‘omnichannel’ is a new buzzword: multiexperience.

An example of multiexperience

Multiexperience is all about shifting the focus from building technology and channels towards how people use applications and interact with the organization.

This means providing optimal experiences tailored to the individual user, that takes into account their context, habitual touchpoints, and preferred interaction mediums.

Imagine this: you are listening to your favorite artiste on your phone at home, but as you get into the car, the music continues to play in your car during your drive to work. Your phone adjusts and simplifies the experience so that you do not get distracted while driving. This consistent and frictionless journey is what we call a multiexperience.

In the context of an organization, this translates into an application that needs to work across any channel, device or touchpoint and yet be personalized and customized to the demands of every customer.

The case for the multiexperiental approach

According to Mckinsey research, South-east Asia is home to a new generation of digital natives who account for over a third of Asia’s population consumption and expect easy and personalized access to digital platforms.

To quote Gartner, “great organizations don’t build siloed applications.”

To satisfy the new era of digital users, organizations need to develop seamless, interconnected applications covering the gamut of digital transformation use cases, including employees’ and customers’ digital experiences, and more.

These may range from mobile apps to chatbots to wearables and even augmented and mixed reality experiences.

To provide multiexperience, development teams need to be equipped with the right tools and platforms to ensure that they are able to accommodate distributed and scalable development and build fit-for-purpose apps that operate across digital touchpoints and interaction mediums.

Getting the platform right

Having a good development platform designed for offering multiexperience is critical, and here are some considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Reuse, repurpose and repeat
    A good platform can help to augment developer productivity by automating repetitive and complex tasks, predicting next steps, suggesting solutions, and validating developer’s work patterns. This way, developers spend less time in lower value activities, and more in thinking about that extra mile and how to deliver that multiexperience users will love. Oftentimes, this is what makes the difference.

    For this purpose, modern application platforms can come in handy as they offer a large open-source marketplace for developers to find not only reusable modules, connectors, and components, but fully working apps for different use cases.

    Organizations can start using these modules immediately and save time from having to develop them from scratch. Often, experience components can also be reused: build it once and it can be repurposed across different initiatives and solutions across the business.

    This means that new digital products and services that meet customer needs can be launched when and where there is a demand for it—and more importantly, repeatedly ahead of the competition.
  2. Keep up with the tides of digital innovation
    Bear in mind that any multiexperience solution or application created today needs to change and adapt as the market demands, without compromising functionality, scalability, or security.

    This includes being able to integrate applications easily with up-and-coming technologies such as AI, chatbots, VR/AR, and machine learning models that best suit the business needs of tomorrow, whatever that may be. This will allow organizations to instantly leverage the latest disruptive technology, and get to market in good time.
  3. Deploy a platform that developers can trust
    The last piece of the puzzle comes from the developers themselves. Ultimately, they need to feel confident that they are being equipped with the right tools to deliver the multiexperience strategy that consumers want.

    While they may have full-fledged capabilities and a constant drive for innovation, they need a development platform that they trust and accept, in order to turn multiexperience strategies into actuality.

Delivering engaging digital journeys is no longer just an option. Where most digital experience needs were solved with simple workflows and a sprinkle of automation, the bar has been raised today. Organizations now need to consider offering multiexperience or risk losing out.