Six aspects, including payment preferences, age- group preferences, sustainability-mindedness in consumers, and e-commerce personalization, were reflected in the data

Next, the data suggests that retailers among the respondents were embracing AI, mainly to enhance the relevance and accuracy of product recommendations. Among the consumers, there were concerns around privacy and lack of human interaction in AI functions. Also:

  • The nature and prevalence of digital payments varied across the markets. While digital e-wallets were increasingly gaining traction in South-east Asia, respondents from Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and South Korea still predominantly preferred debit/credit cards for transactions, while those in China most preferred Alipay.
  • Among retailers in the survey, loyalty programs were being recognized as a source of data.
  • Respondents indicated a sentiment that their brands must stitch diversity, ethics and social responsibility into their core, offering sustainable experiences without charging a premium for the eco-friendliness.