Whitepaper: Unleashing the power of agentless and high-performance micro-segmentation security


How can organizations protect computing environments such as bare-metal clouds and high-frequency trading, where deploying security agents is neither feasible nor desirable?

Unleashing the power of agentless and high-performance micro-segmentation security

With the speed at which enterprises are migrating to the cloud, traditional security approaches no longer provide adequate cyber-threat protection.

Traditional network segmentation technologies fail to deliver the necessary protection against east-west attacks. The ability to deploy security agents for application workloads isn’t always possible, rendering network islands vulnerable to security risks.

Micro-segmentation is an emerging data center and cloud security best practice that enables fine-grained security policies in data center networks. As a core pillar of the zero-trust security model, micro-segmentation bolsters individual workload isolation and protection, reducing risks, and when combined with the software-defined approach, also simplifies security management.

These advantages are essential as a growing number of enterprises adopt hybrid cloud services and new deployment models, such as containers.


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