In an interaction with DigiconAsia, Matt Shifrin, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Tech Data, Asia Pacific and Japan, speaks more on the struggles and challenges in the IT channel fraternity.

Many IT channel partners struggle with accessing sufficient capital to invest in inventory, infrastructure, and expansion. Traditional lending institutions may be hesitant to extend credit to smaller partners or those without a long financial track record. What is Tech Data doing about this?

Matt Shifrin, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Tech Data, Asia Pacific and Japan,

Matt Shifrin:  As rapid technological changes create significant business challenges, vendors, distributors and partners are looking to the channel to validate and scale new technologies and to gain key business insights. This is pushing partners to go beyond traditional lending solutions and explore alternative sources for financing or to adopt enhanced payment solutions that can fund business growth, help them invest in new technologies, and meet customer demand. Partners are also on the lookout to solve financial scalability issues which has emerged as a challenge for 59% of partners per our Direction of Technology 2023 report.