In a survey of 900 respondents from six ASEAN markets, misalignments of cyber resilience expectations pointed to poorer data readiness sentiments

Some 91% of respondents indicated struggling with managing “dark data”, which is defined as the information assets organizations collect, process and store during regular business activities, but are generally not used for other purposes, such as analytics. Also:

    • 7% of the 900 respondents in the six markets surveyed believed they had proactive, mature capabilities in terms of cyber resilience
    • 85% of the respondents indicated they had a response plan in place if attacked. Of these, 26% said indicated having a “clearly understood response and communication plan in place” while 22% indicated their incident response capability was weak, “very unorganized,” and “(they) scramble to respond”.
    • Four key areas identified by respondents for improving cyber resilience maturity were data immutability; adoption of AI; data clean rooms ; adoption of AI; use of data clean rooms and external partners to enhance cyber skills and response capabilities.