The answer is YES, and cutting corners when adopting AI could be what fraudsters and state-sponsored cybercriminals are waiting for

Close to two years after the democratization of generative AI to the masses, readers of and have seen the potential of the technology versus the risks of thoughtless, hype-driven agendas to use AI to maximize business outcomes at the expense of all else.

At this point, business leaders who have researched the topic widely enough will have come across the term “responsible AI”. With so much involved in this simple term, many organizations may have even discounted the extra investments — preferring to rely on their technology vendors or consultants to perform the responsible “due diligence” when recommending blueprints for implementing AI.

In fact, current marketing terminology is increasingly referring to “implementing AI responsibly” as an informal approach to the real practice of “responsible AI”.

So, what are the differences, and why do they matter?

A formalized blueprint for Responsible AI addresses the following aspects of continual research, practice, and audit:

  1. Fairness / Bias mitigation

    Research focus: Efforts are being made to develop techniques and tools for identifying and mitigating biases in AI models. This includes fairness-aware machine learning algorithms and bias detection frameworks.


    • Implement bias detection and mitigation strategies throughout the AI lifecycle
    • Use diverse datasets and ensure representation of various demographic groups
    • Regular formal audits of AI systems to continually detect and correct biases
  2. Accountability / Governance

    Research focus: Establishing frameworks for AI accountability, including guidelines for responsibility distribution among developers, users, and stakeholders.


    • Define clear accountability structures and assign responsibilities for AI outcomes
    • Develop and enforce policies and regulations that govern AI use and deployment
    • Implement robust monitoring and auditing mechanisms to ensure compliance with ethical standards
  3. Transparency / Explainability

    Research focus: Developing methods to make AI decision-making processes more transparent and interpretable. This includes explainable AI (XAI) techniques that provide insights into how AI models arrive at specific decisions.


    • Ensure AI models and their decisions are interpretable by users, especially in high-stakes domains
    • Provide clear documentation and explanations of AI system functionalities
    • Adopt tools that enhance model explainability and allow for unfiltered user feedback
  4. Privacy / Data protection

    Research focus: Innovations in privacy-preserving techniques such as differential privacy and federated learning that protect user data while allowing AI models to learn from it.


    • Adhere to all sovereign data protection laws and regulations involved
    • Incorporate privacy-by-design principles in AI system development
    • Use anonymization and encryption methods to safeguard user data
  5. Safety / Security

    Research focus: Enhancing the safety and robustness of AI systems to prevent malicious attacks and unintended harmful behaviors.


    • Conduct rigorous testing and validation of AI systems under various conditions
    • Develop mechanisms to detect and respond to security threats and adversarial attacks
    • Implement fail-safe measures and contingency plans for AI system failures
  6. Human-centric design

    Research focus: Ensuring AI systems are designed with a focus on enhancing human well-being and autonomy.


    • Engage with stakeholders, including end-users, in the design and development process
    • Prioritize user-friendly interfaces and ensure AI systems augment human capabilities rather than replace them
    • Continuously evaluate the impact of AI on users and society, and adjust designs accordingly
  7. Ethical use and impact assessment

    Research focus: Creating frameworks for ethical AI use and assessing the societal impact of AI technologies.


    • Conduct ethical impact assessments before deploying AI systems
    • Engage with ethicists and interdisciplinary experts to address potential ethical concerns
    • Promote the development and use of AI for social good, ensuring equitable access and benefits
  8. Regulatory and policy development

    Research focus: Formulating policies and regulatory frameworks that keep pace with AI advancements and address emerging ethical issues.


    • Collaborate with policymakers, industry leaders, and academic researchers to develop comprehensive AI regulations
    • Encourage the creation of international standards for responsible AI development
    • Stay informed about and adapt to evolving legal and regulatory requirements

Implementing these practices can help ensure that AI technologies are developed and used responsibly, minimizing risks and maximizing benefits for society.

On the other hand, informal commitments to adopting/implementing AI are characterized by any or more of the following:

I. General ethical intentions: There are only informal commitments based on a general intent to behave ethically without specific guidelines or structures. No formal blueprint, job functions/roles, and detailed plans or principles are in place.

II. Lack of regulatory focus: Where possible, organizations without formal Responsible AI practices will tend to toe the line with international regulatory requirements applicable. Within the minimal legal requirements, the implementation of AI is performed without a formalized, systematic approach to ensuring compliance, detecting errors, and ensuring ongoing systemic integrity.

III. Ad-hoc practices: Processes and policies (if any) are implemented on an ad-hoc basis without consistent documentation or reporting. Responsible AI practices are applied as needed, without formal processes and accountability.

IV. Minimal oversight: Mechanisms to monitor, control, and audit processes are limited or non-existent. Responsibility is often diffused, with no dedicated team or role ensuring ethical practices.

V. No formal roles: Mechanisms to monitor, control, and audit processes are limited or non-existent. Responsibility is often diffused, with no dedicated team or role ensuring ethical practices.

VI. Limited training: Formalized training on ethical AI practices may be informal or occasional. Employees may receive only sporadic guidance rather than structured educational programs. Even in best-case scenarios, the best practices that the trainees learn may be marginalized or paid lip service when/if presented to management.

VII. Reactive approach to risk: The organizational culture is often reactive rather than proactive when assessing impact and risk management. Ethical issues are addressed as they arise, rather than being anticipated and mitigated in advance.

Is there a middle ground?

Irresponsible and unstructured AI adoption can lead to a wide range of negative outcomes that extend beyond their organization into larger-scale industrial or social problems:

  • Bias and discrimination: AI systems developed without proper bias mitigation strategies can perpetuate and amplify existing biases, leading to unfair treatment of individuals based on race, gender, age, or other characteristics. Example: Biased hiring algorithms that disproportionately favor certain demographics over others, leading to discriminatory hiring practices.
  • Privacy violations: Inadvertent misuse or unauthorized access to sensitive personal information by AI systems and human operators may lead to breaches of privacy and potential identity theft that can escalate into global incidents.
  • Lack of accountability: When trouble occurs, it will be difficult to identify who was responsible for AI-related decisions and outcomes, leading to a lack of recourse for affected individuals. Example: In the case of a vehicle accident, unclear accountability can hinder the determination of responsibility between the vehicle manufacturer, software developer, and owner(s).
  • Erosion of trust: Public trust in AI and technology can be severely damaged when AI systems operate irresponsibly, leading to skepticism and resistance to adopting beneficial technologies. Example: high-profile failures of AI systems, such as flawed facial recognition technology used by law enforcement, can lead to public backlashes and decreased trust in AI solutions.
  • Security risks: Poorly designed AI systems are vulnerable to cyberattacks and adversarial manipulation, which can compromise system integrity and lead to harmful outcomes.
  • Unintended consequences: Without thorough testing and impact assessment, AI systems can produce unintended and potentially harmful outcomes not anticipated by developers. Example: An AI-driven financial trading system can go into “hallucinations” that trigger market instability due to unforeseen algorithmic behavior.
  • Regulatory and legal repercussions: Self-evident consequences.
  • Economic inequality: Irresponsible AI implementation can exacerbate economic disparities by displacing jobs without providing adequate support for retraining and reskilling. Example: Widespread automation of low-skill jobs leading to increased unemployment and economic disparity among workers who lack access to new opportunities.
  • Misinformation and manipulation: AI technologies can be used to spread misinformation and manipulate public opinion insidiously over prolonged periods of time to evade detection.
  • Ethical and moral dilemmas: AI systems making decisions in ethically sensitive areas without proper oversight can lead to moral dilemmas and societal harm. Example: AI used in healthcare to make life-and-death decisions without clear ethical guidelines and human oversight, potentially compromising patient welfare.