SPARK MatrixTM : Deception Technology, 2022

SPARK MatrixTM : Deception Technology, 2022

A detailed analysis of global deception technology leaders, trends, market dynamics, vendor landscape, and competitive positioning

The global technology vendors, Attivo Networks, Metallic Security Services, Fidelis Cybersecurity, and Akamai, in the SPARK Matrix: Deception Technology 2022 provide a comprehensive and sophisticated technology platform to detect, analyze, protect, and remediate advanced cyber threats throughout the network infrastructure. 

Quadrant Knowledge Solutions analyzed the top deception technology vendors’ products, value propositions, and market presence based on primary research with expert interviews, analysis of use cases, and internal analysis.

From an analyst perspective, Metallic ® ThreatWiseTM offers a multi-tier architecture, enabling better detection, deeper attacker engagement, and comprehensive containment by using lures, traps, and honeypots to divert attackers away from real data.

This research study provides a competitive analysis of the top deception technology vendors to help users evaluate different vendors capabilities, competitive differentiation, and market position.

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