These two aspects, together with data protection mandates, can make or break your DX success, the writing on the wall shows.

As businesses emerge from the exponential digital transformation in 2021 where APAC spending on public cloud services is expected to have grown 29%, the cloud and data center industry is adapting to the changing needs of customers faster than ever before.

This year, businesses will continue to embrace the power of the multi-cloud approach, meaning the use of two or more different cloud providers.

With the current shortage of manpower, and with on-premises cloud infrastructure being a thing of the past, organizations can benefit from three strategies to adopt an open cloud with open standards for success.

  1. Diversify your cloud solutions
    Building a transparent, reversible and interoperable cloud, and guaranteeing sovereignty for users’ data provides a level of flexibility that allows organizations to pick and choose the ideal cloud solution for each of their business areas. Not only does this invite innovation, but it guarantees software independence and facilitates reversibility—the option to modify or roll back cloud projects, workload deployments, or entire cloud environments to an alternative state.

    Operating on multiple clouds means organizations can dictate which technologies are suitable to be deployed, as opposed to relying on a vendor to provide the required services. From a security standpoint, multi-cloud environments can help to assist disaster recovery procedures and reduce the likelihood of a complete system shutdown in the event of a compromise.
  2. Rethink data protection in the hybrid age
    With new data protection regulations emerging and evolving, businesses are continuously assessing and ensuring regulatory compliance on a local and global scale, including the safety and security of data.

    Many organizations are adopting a multi-local approach as operating data center in multiple global locations becomes the norm, allowing for more local oversight and adherence to data protection and security protocols. With each new site comes the increased need for total end-to-end management and security protocols to match. From the location selection to the manufacturing of full range servers, businesses can ensure their data is as close to them and their end-users as possible, whilst ensuring full compliance with required data protection regulations.

    Forward-looking organizations will continue to strengthen and solidify their data protection infrastructure to respond to expectations for airtight data security from Asian businesses and consumers.
  3. Sustainability must be key
    To have a sustainable model, the cloud and data center industry not only has to look at carbon and power efficiency, but also water unit efficiency for effective water cooling. Local government support is needed to ensure the availability of local energy grids to support the same cause. The same goes for the consumers—we all need to play a part by being aware of the carbon footprint we create with every email, text and post on social media.

    Sustainability efforts need to be at scale, not just at a Proof-of-Concept stage. Industry must continue to manage environmental impact with full accountability to move towards a more sustainable future.

Within the next few years we expect to see a significant shift in the uptake of green technologies to meet the goal of converting to 100% renewable energy in the industry.