The COVID-19 pandemic forever changed the F&B landscape for consumers and restaurateurs alike, but AI-driven robotics may cook up the answers

DigiconAsia: How is the region warming up to the idea of installing robotic cabinets to streamline food preparation in the food and beverage industry?

Niles Toh (NT): Worldwide,there is increasing demand for automation and robotics solutions due to rising operational costs and a decreasing number of people willing to work in what they consider tedious jobs. F&B operators are feeling an urgent need to automate their processes. What used to be a luxury has now become a necessity in order to survive in the competitive business environment.

Niles Toh, founder, Super Tomato

Asia is well-positioned to take advantage of this trend for two reasons:/p>

    1. Firstly, our region is the manufacturing hub of the world, which allows F&B players to have easy access to a wide range of components required for building advanced systems from around the world. This allows them to source components from China, Japan, and Taiwan at manageable logistics cost and shorter lead times.

    2. Here in Asia’s F&B industries, many production processes need to be automated to maintain high and consistent quality and good output.

Traditionally, automation in F&B has been focused on the central kitchen or manufacturing settings. However, we will begin to see more automation taking place at the outlet level, whether it is in the back of house or front of house.