What does the democratization of data and AI spell for organizations and their CIOs in Asia Pacific?

But there isn’t just stiff competition for customers, it is equally fierce for talent, too. Standing out hinges on giving employees opportunities to do meaningful and fulfilling work. AI and data are both significant enablers here, as they hold the key to making workflows more efficient – which ultimately empowers productivity and employee impact.

David Irecki, Director of Solutions Consulting, APJ, Boomi

While it’s tempting to see things that way, not all progress is good progress. Businesses need to have practical frameworks in place to promote steady, effective engagement that ensures sustainable and achievable AI strategies. This includes:

      1. Solving current pain points via intelligent integration and automation. Ultimately, each solution to a current problem advances the development of both context and action pipelines.

      2. Breaking down problems into smaller increments to speed up value actualization. This limits impact and raises flexibility.

      3. Relentlessly enforcing a composable approach to solution architectures, enabling digital building blocks to be harvested at every opportunity.