Within a survey’s data, even respondents working in “manufacturing leaders” were struggling to use digital transformation to achieve a fully-connected factory

Other findings

In terms of regions, the data showed:

  • APAC: 30% of respondents from “manufacturing leaders” in the region indicated using machine vision across the plant floor, while 67% were implementing or planning to deploy this technology within the next five years.
  • Europe, Middle East, Africa: Reskilling labor to enhance data and technology usage skills was the top ranked workforce strategy by respondents in “manufacturing leaders” to drive growth today (46%) and in five years (71%).
  • Latin America: 24% of respondents in this region and working in “manufacturing leaders” indicated relying on track and trace technology; 74% were implementing or planning to implement the technology in the next five years.
  • North America: 68% of respondents from “manufacturing leaders” ranked deploying workforce development programs as their most important labor initiative.