How a packaging company responds faster to customer needs

With a vision to be a preferred global brand for value-added films for packaging, labels, lamination and industrial applications, Cosmo Films realized its legacy infrastructure was not up to the task.

Keeping in step with consumer demands for convenience foods is vital for food companies around the world. For consumers, though, it’s not just about convenience. They also want to see the food they buy, they want it to be safe to eat, and they want it to stay fresh longer.

To meet these needs, food manufacturers are constantly looking for more-innovative packaging solutions. To keep pace in the market as well as with growing demand, New Delhi–based packaging and specialty films company Cosmo Films Limited must continue to innovate as it scales up its operations.

Creating a clear road map to become a cloud-run company by the end of 2018, Cosmo Films sought help from itelligence AG and set about implementing a digital core based on SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud.

With this integrated technology, Cosmo Films increased its agility to support its growing business and reduced total cost of ownership of its IT infrastructure, minimizing complexity and reducing risk. The move also put Cosmo Films in the perfect position to take advantage of new technology innovations in the future and adopt innovative packaging solutions as they are offered.